Santa Clara Meditation Positive Life Changes – Are you happy with your life?

Lucy L. / Business Owner

From a young age, my dream was to have a happy life. I loved the word “happy” so much because I believed that as long as I loved the word, happiness would automatically come to my life.

At a young age, I planned my entire life out to follow my ideal standard of ‘happiness.’ I naively believed that studying hard, getting good grades, having many talents, and being popular with many friends would bring me true happiness.

As I grew older, I shifted my belief to thinking that marriage to a gentleman with a nice job and material welath were also mandatory for my checklist towards a ‘happy’ life. I also believed that having studious and successful children, owning a mansion in a rich neighborhood, driving luxury cars, and going on exotic vacations often with family were also necessities towards ‘happiness’.

But even though I had always planned out this ideal ‘happy’ life, I never felt truly happy; something was missing. I married a kind gentleman; I own a business and live comfortably; I have two beautiful daughters; I love my family. I had done everything according to my plans, so why was I not happy?

I was miserable because I was constantly putting so much pressure on myself to become ‘happy’ because it had always been my dream to be happy with a happy family and a happy life. But the more I sought for happiness, the more frustrated and anxious I became. I thought I would be able to achieve happiness by setting and working towards achieving those goals.

Then I started this meditation program, and I learned here that humans are incomplete because humans are living inside of the human mind world, which is an illusion.

Humans have their life lived and thoughts because they are like an automatic camera. We take pictures with our eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and touch then store everything into our brain. As a result, we mistakenly think that we are living in the real world, but in reality, we are living inside of our human mind world, which overlaps with the real world, which is why we, as humans, are incomplete. So the human mind world is not reality nor actuality.

I learned step by step to throw away my illusionary human mind to become the universe mind which is truth.

I began to eliminate my minds including my own thoughts, self pressure, and greed towards achieving so-called happiness. The more I discarded these minds, the more universe minds appeared because all of the thoughts that had previously made my life so difficult were no longer existing within me.

Thanks to this meditation method, every day became so delightful. I am so grateful to this meditation method. Without these minds, I am always so positive and happy in everyday life. Having true minds instead of false minds changed my life. I no longer make such materialistic and toxic plans to achieve this unattainable standard of a perfect life; now, I eliminate my minds everyday to live in this everlasting true world. I hope that anyone who is seeking a happy life can try this meditation and find true happiness. Please watch this video to learn more: