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Sunday, December 10, 2023

Master Woo Myung Meditation Verses – Dōn – soo (頓修)


Master Woo Myung Meditation Verses – Dōn – soo (頓修)

‘Dōn-soo,’ or the practice that maintains immediate
is the act of maintaining the Mind of the origin.
To be of the origin means to be as it is.
The whole of creation is as it is.
Maintaining the original Mind means
not having it dwell in the kleshas and delusions of man.

Originally there is no such thing
as dōn-soo or ‘dōn- ō (immediate enlightenment),’
but you must be enlightened to know it.
You must be enlightened
in order to know what is what,
just as you must be enlightened of dōn-soo
to know that it does not exist.

The whole of creation exists as it is.
But due to his karma and habits,
man cannot see the origin.
Dōn-soo is the state of being cleansed
after one has eliminated his individual self.

Thus it is the clear and open state
absent of any doubts or suspicions –
the state in which one knows that
he and the Universe are one.

-Woo Myung-