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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Master Woo Myung Meditation Poetry – Bright Light

Master Woo Myung Meditation Poetry – Bright Light

Although there is daylight
sleeping people do not know it.
When the world of bright light comes
people who are not in that world
will not know it.
As the universe exists in one’s mind
every person’s mind makes a different universe.
Some say they like it when it rains,
some say they do not like it when it rains.
How one sees the world depends on one’s mind;
so there are tens of thousands of kinds of minds.

The world is already enlightened and perfect.
the human mind does not have the enlightened world.
people see the world with their own conceptions and habits.
The place before all creation is the place of the Creator.
The place before all creation is the place of Truth.
People know only what they have in their minds;
they speak only of what they have in their minds;
they can only become what they have in their minds.
only when one’s mind is clean and the biggest,
can Truth be recognized.

A person with a false mind
does not know that his mind is false.
Only a person with Truth can know that
a person has a false mind.
A crazy person does not know he is that way;
an ignorant person does not know he knows nothing.
Truth knows everything so there is no discernment or judgment.
People live making judgments of what is right and wrong
based on their own viewpoints
from their own minds.

The world is not one because
each person has different conceptions and different minds.
Only through absolution of sin,
only through becoming Truth,
can all religions become one.
Only when all minds are one by becoming Truth,
can all nations become one.

Only Truth can make the world one.
Only Truth can save the world.
Only Truth exists forever and ever.
One who is living is one who is reborn as Truth.

One who is reborn in heaven while alive
will live in heaven, the living kingdom.
One cannot go to eternal heaven
without becoming Truth while alive,
which is human completion.

-Woo Myung-