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Monday, September 26, 2022

Master Woo Myung Words of Wisdom – Christians Say that We Can Only Be Saved by the Grace of God

Master Woo Myung Words of Wisdom – Christians Say that We Can Only Be Saved by the Grace of God

A person who bestows material or financial favors or aid is often described as being gracious or having grace but true grace is allowing one to spiritually become one with God.

God is Truth, and therefore one receives as much grace as he has cast off his delusions and become Truth. The highest grace one can possibly receive is being born in eternal heaven while living and living a life of that world.

A person in South America became very angry when I told people they can become the Creator and Christ if they repent all of their sins. He asked how a mere human could possibly dare to think of becoming the Creator.

The existence of Truth, the Creator of the Universe, existed from the beginning. This existence is the origin, and the mother and father of all creations and ourselves. When one returns to this origin, only Truth remains. When one returns to Truth and is resurrected as a child of Truth, he himself is Truth.

A dog begets a dog, a cow begets a cow, and a bird begets a bird. Therefore the child of Truth and God is also Truth and God.

How many people in the past died while searching and striving for Truth? Even now, there are countless people meditating and practicing asceticism in mountains and other places all over the world.

In the early days of Christianity, there was one group of Christians that practiced their religion through meditation and another group that practiced it in the form that we see today. The form of practice we commonly see today prevailed but there were many others who isolated themselves from people and the world in order to try and meet God. There are still many people who go to the mountains to pray or who take part in early morning prayers. This is like asking the way while standing on the path, and looking for Truth within Truth, because there is nowhere God is not present and there is nothing that is not God.

Only God can give us grace. The countless people who meditated, prayed, or practiced asceticism, were unable to receive God’s grace because the time for God’s grace had not yet come.

When it is said that only God can give us grace, it means only God who is Truth can make man become one with Truth. Grace is the absolution of one’s sins and it is repentance.

When one denies his self by repenting, or rather, when he offers up his existence to Truth and only the existence of Truth remains, he can be resurrected as the existence of Truth itself. This is true grace.
All material things in the world eventually disappear but the existence that never disappears – the Universe before the Universe – is the Creator and Truth.

When one discards everything in the world, this existence remains. When he is reborn as the Soul and Spirit of this existence, he lives forever and heaven is the place where he is. Do not seek God’s grace within the framework of what you are already doing – you can receive it when you completely destroy and break down all of your false delusions and self. The existence who takes you to heaven through this method must surely be Truth. It is only natural that he can make people become Truth because he is Truth.

If a place where one can become Truth by repenting exists, it is, without a doubt, a signal that the advent of Truth has come. We must be awake at this time. Those who are too bound to their conceptions and habits will be unable to see or hear from within those conceptions and habits and they will have no desire to cast them off.

If one repents with the method of repentance, it is possible to receive grace.

-Woo Myung-