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Saturday, September 3, 2022

Master Woo Myung Q&A about Truth – The True Meaning of Parinirvana, Apradisthita-Nirvana, and Maha-Nirvana

Master Woo Myung Q&A about Truth – The True Meaning of Parinirvana, Apradisthita-Nirvana, and Maha-Nirvana

Nirvana is death.
What this means is
one can achieve ‘dō (Truth)’ after one dies.
To die so that nothing remains of one’s self is parinirvana.
To die on a grand scale is maha-nirvana.
When one’s existence dies completely
so that nothing of it remains,
then only Buddha, who is Truth, will remain.
Buddha is the Creator, who is
the Universe that is before and beyond the universe.
When one completely eliminates from within his mind
the countless things he knows,
his image of the universe,
as well as the existence that he calls his self,
then that would be parinirvana and maha-nirvana.
And it is only then that
the world of Buddha –
the padma garbha loka dhatu,
the tathagata-garbha world,
and the real world –
will exist.

To completely sacrifice your existence to Buddha is
parinirvana and apradisthita-nirvana.
Once you sacrifice yourself to Buddha,
Buddha will be you,
and you will live in His Land;
this is nirvana.
Life and death will be one for you
and thus this earth will be the Buddha-ksetra.
To live eternally without death in this Buddha-ksetra
is what it means to reach nirvana.

-Woo Myung-