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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Master Woo Myung Poem – Heaven’s Will

Master Woo Myung Poem – Heaven’s Will

I can recall the early winter,
when fallen leaves would blow in the wind,
for I do not have a want-filled, human mind,
and thus I do not have the mind of spring and summer,
which is a mind that is always seeking to be filled.
My mind is the empty Mind.
My mind is the Mind that has no wants.

Everything in this world appears and disappears
due to the Mind,
and everything exists.
But the mind that man has bears
countless, non-existent thoughts,
which he creates with his imagination.
Such is how man lives,
which is why he is resentful
and has so many wants and regrets.

Listen all of you!
The spring and summer of my mind is
Nature in all its kindness,
and this kind Nature is me.
Autumn, with all of its fallen leaves, is also me.
This Nature is teaching man
the futility of human life.
All creations come and go,
yet they remain where they are.
All creations come and go,
yet they exist as they are.
But man does not know this;
he alone worries and discerns;
he alone thinks.
Such is how man lives his life.
He should live liberated from it.
Living is none other than the existence of the body.
Man lives ignorant of the fact that
there is no difference between his body and Heaven.
Rain falls because there are clouds.
Likewise, man is born because there is substance.

Listen all of you!
Please live with my words close to your hearts:
man was able to come forth because
Heaven and earth existed.
Heaven is the source,
and yet all things came to be
through the conditions of the earth.
Then human beings came.
One must exist for another to exist,
and it is through this logic that
life is created.
Life changes form depending on condition.
This ‘form’ is one that is created by condition.
The countless things that have been created on earth
all came to be due to the conditions that are
earth, water, fire, and air,
whereby those creations are also God, or ‘Eol’.

Things are created by various other things,
but ultimately they are created by the one substance,
and this substance is also Eol.
Due to the conditions of earth, water, fire, and air
which exist on this earth,
everything is created,
and this is the one and only Eol, or the ‘Haneol’.
The Haneol is the one Mind.
That it is the one Mind means
it does not have a single want.
Therefore, this is a unified logic –
a logic in which all things are ultimately one.
For sure, all of these various things are one because
they do not have any wants,
which is why the one is able to be various.

The reason why there can be so many is
they possess nothing.
That which possesses nothing is perfect;
it is omniscient and omnipresent.
This omniscience and omnipresence possesses nothing.
That which possesses nothing is real
and is thus able to make all images come forth.
To possess nothing is, from Truth’s point of view,
to possess everything.
This is because
you can only have something
when you do not have it,
for once you have it, it cannot be had.
You cannot fill what has already been filled.
That which possesses nothing is
the master of all creations in the universe.
That which possesses nothing is everything.
That which possesses nothing is simply existing.
That which possesses nothing is Truth and reality.
That which possesses nothing is possessive of everything.
That which possesses nothing is Heaven.

Heaven has not a single will or thought,
and yet it has everything.
All things are Heaven,
which has nothing and which is the master.
All things, whatever they may be,
are all Heaven.

From The Enlightened World

-Woo Myung-