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Friday, December 31, 2021

Master Woo Myung Book – The Book of Wisdom – What is the real self?

Master Woo Myung Book – The Book of Wisdom – What is the real self?

People understand that the existence with the original mind is the true self. The original mind is indeed the true self, but no one knows what this original mind is. The original mind is the mind that exists originally, and is the pure mind that does not change according to shapes. That pure mind cannot be said to exist or not; but it does not exist from the viewpoint of humans, whereas it exists from the viewpoint of Truth.

There is not anything such as knowledge, sight, hearing, arrogance, or good-naturedness within the true self. Even when the true self changes according to shapes, it is still the true self. Everything in the universe, regardless if it has a shape or not, is the real self.

People do not know the true self because they cannot discover it. There is nothing more valuable than finding the true self in one’s life, but people cannot find it because they look for the true self that fits what they imagine to be the true self. This is not Truth.

-Woo Myung-