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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Master Woo Myung Illustration – The world is complete but man lives inside his mind of illusions and pictures.

Master Woo Myung Illustration – The world is complete but man lives inside his mind of illusions and pictures.

The world is complete but man lives inside his mind of illusions and pictures. In order to throw away his own world and enter the real world, he must completely deny himself. This is the study of self-reflection – denying one’s self completely and becoming one with the mind of the world that is Truth by discarding all of his preconceptions, habits and mind world.

One who denies his self, and does not try to achieve with his false self, is able to do the meditation more easily. He can accomplish human completion while he is living, and can live forever in heaven, the kingdom of Truth. His Soul and Spirit will live there without death. Those who do not have the true Soul and Spirit, Truth, will die forever when their bodies pass away. However, for a person who has the mind of the world, the kingdom of Truth, within him, his Soul and Spirit will be reborn in that kingdom and he will live there forever.

-Woo Myung-