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Friday, January 10, 2020

Teacher Woo Myung Writing – Reaching the Finish Line in One’s Pursuit of Truth

Teacher Woo Myung Writing – Reaching the Finish Line in One’s Pursuit of Truth

There is not a single human being who knows what Truth is.
In order to pursue Truth, one must be very devoted.
It seems only a person who is whole-hearted is able to do so.

There are eight levels in meditation.
People seldom reach all the way up to
the eighth level of enlightenment.
There are many who begin at Level One
and then give up half way.
For sure, man entering into eternal Heaven is the same as
a camel passing through the eye of a needle.
Therefore, it is only when
one no longer has his individual mind – his self –
and God exists inside him
that he has reached the finish line in his pursuit of Truth.

So then how does one know that
he no longer has his individual mind?
And how does one know that he has become complete?
Is there a sign?
The body is where the mind dwells;
when one’s body and mind become clear and one with God,
Truth, which is both Light and the Creator of the Universe,
will enter into the thought-mass that exists in his forehead.
And it is at this point that
he has become absolved of all his sins
and has become Truth, itself;
this is the sign.

A person who has received the seal of God is God, Himself –
the God of wisdom.
Therefore, he has nothing more to be cleansed of
and is a complete being.
One must be absolved of all his sins while he is alive
in order to be born in eternal Heaven;
this earth must become complete
in order for there to be eternal Heaven within man.

-Woo Myung-