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Monday, November 18, 2019

Mater Woo Myung Message – A Person Can Go to Heaven Only When He Becomes Truth While He Is Living

Mater Woo Myung Message – A Person Can Go to Heaven Only When He Becomes Truth While He Is Living

Through religion, we have gained the common belief that we will go to heaven after we die while people who do “bad” things will go to hell. However no one knows where heaven or hell is. To put it simply, heaven is the world where Truth – that which is real – lives and hell is false, a delusion, a non-existent world.

The fact that we were born into this world as human-beings is a miracle among miracles. We would not have been born if our parents and ancestors did not each in turn happen to conceive on the particular days and times that they did. And even then, we would not have been born if those eggs had been fertilized by one of the other millions and millions of sperm. Isn’t our birth therefore a miracle? We were not born on the earth through this miracle, against such odds, only to live to the end of our life spans and die.

There must be a method, a way, to live eternally. Man must become Truth because there is no other way for him to live forever. Truth is what is real, what is true; and man cannot live without becoming Truth.

Doesn’t it go against reason that someone who has not become true while he is living, that is, someone who has not been born in heaven while living, can go to heaven after he dies?

If you are to become Truth – attain human completion while you are living – your entire self which is false must disappear. Then, you can become Truth.

What is true is the world and what is false is one’s self. Thus, if one eliminates his self completely, then what is true will emerge.

Only he who has been resurrected as Truth while he is living is true, and such a person will live in heaven, the land of Truth, forever.

He who dies as his false self will remain false, and what is false does not exist.

-Woo Myung-