Master Woo Myung Writing – People Do Not Know How to Receive Jesus
Master Woo Myung Writing – People Do Not Know How to Receive Jesus
Man is waiting for the coming of a delusional Truth; an existence made from his own beliefs and standards. Man believes this entity of Truth will come only for him and he waits for this entity in order to gain something; he believes that a Jesus of love and benevolence will come only to save him. He believes this because he lives within his own self-made mind world.
Jesus is the existence of Truth. A person who has become one with the Creator that is God – a person whose Soul and Spirit is born in the land of the Creator – is this existence. I asked people if they could accept into their home a Jesus who is homeless and a beggar; one who lived under a bridge, and had boils, head lice, layers upon layers of dirt on his body and incurable contagious diseases. Could they bring him home, bathe him, tend to his diseases and obey his wishes? It was clear that no one could readily do so.
Just as it says in the Bible, your mind can become one with Jesus and you can receive him only when you give up your spouse, children and fortune. This is true belief. However, man has a selfish and self-centered mind and lives only for himself. True love, or great compassion, is making man discard the preconceptions and habits from his false human mind world and change falseness into Truth so that he can go to the land of Truth. Man, who is false, mistakenly believes that Jesus will take him to heaven just as he is, but isn’t it illogical to believe one can go to heaven while retaining all of his falseness?
Without a doubt, the existence of Truth, Jesus, would tell man who is false to wash away his sins – his false images – and tell him to discard all of his fixed preconceptions and habits. By making him do all the things that he dislikes the most and forbidding him from doing what he likes, Jesus will change man’s mind into the mind of God. Because his word is law, man must die when he is asked to die and he must discard when he is asked to discard. Man must not do what he is told not to do. When he discards everything and his mind transcends all things, he will be able to become the mind of God. At the age of thirty-three, Jesus questioned why God had abandoned him, yet he accepted his death by saying, “…not as I will, but as you will.” By accepting his death Jesus received God in his mind and became the mind of God. Likewise, only one who loves righteousness more than himself can go to heaven. Ask yourself whether you can die right now for righteousness as Jesus did. One who cannot do this will end up dying. He will die because his Soul and Spirit of righteousness has not been born, and he does not have the kingdom of righteousness within.