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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Master Woo Myung Teaching – One Who Tries to Become Enlightened While Holding onto His Self Will Fail, While One Who Knows That His Self Is a False Wrongful Entity and Truly Discards Himself Will Be Enlightened and Become Truth to the Extent That He Has Discarded

Master Woo Myung Teaching – One Who Tries to Become Enlightened While Holding onto His Self Will Fail, While One Who Knows That His Self Is a False Wrongful Entity and Truly Discards Himself Will Be Enlightened and Become Truth to the Extent That He Has Discarded

Many people seek out meditation because they want to find a way to assuage their feelings of inferiority. There are also many who have wandered from place to place, trying to find a way to fulfill their desires and resolve their regrets and bitterness. However, one thing that is certain is that all those who have tried to find or fulfill something with their selves were only able to meditate to the point where they met their limitations, after which they departed.

Man takes pictures in his mind of everything in the originally existing world, and lives making everything his. However, these things are all false and become his sins and karma. Man lives in this falseness. Therefore a person who discards everything in his world that he has seen, heard, felt and what he feels is his, and he who knows his self is false and therefore discards his sins and karma, can accomplish Truth.

There are only a few people in the world who attain what they pursue and desire. Those who fail to obtain their desires commonly blame the circumstances of their life, but this then gives them a chance to reflect back on their life. Many, realizing their wretchedness, come to this meditation to seek and achieve something in order to better their circumstances but this mind only exists in their minds; the minds they have do not exist in the minds of other people.

Human sin is the sin of having betrayed the world, so a person who knows that he is a sinner and denies his self can accomplish Truth. However a person who meditates holding onto himself is still false even if he accomplishes Truth. One’s false self is his own worst enemy, for it is the worst and most foolish entity in the world. He mistakenly thinks he is alive but he is actually living in an illusionary picture world – a world that does not exist and is made by stealing what belongs to the true world. He can only accomplish completion if he relentlessly denies this false self.

The world is complete but man lives inside his mind of illusions and pictures. In order to throw away his own world and enter the real world, he must completely deny himself. This is the study of self-reflection – denying one’s self completely and becoming one with the mind of the world that is Truth by discarding all of his preconceptions, habits and mind world.

One who denies his self, and does not try to achieve with his false self, is able to do the meditation more easily. He can accomplish human completion while he is living, and can live forever in heaven, the kingdom of Truth. His Soul and Spirit will live there without death. Those who do not have the true Soul and Spirit, Truth, will die forever when their bodies pass away. However, for a person who has the mind of the world, the kingdom of Truth, within him, his Soul and Spirit will be reborn in that kingdom and he will live there forever.

-Woo Myung-