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Monday, November 18, 2019

Master Woo Myung Teaching – One Must Repent to God – the True Mind – That Is Within Him

Master Woo Myung Teaching – One Must Repent to God – the True Mind – That Is Within Him

The reason we repent is so that we can go from our false worlds to the true world and be reborn there. We repent so that we can discard our minds that are false and become the true mind. It is also in order to discard ourselves that are sinners and become our true selves.

One’s sins are the falseness in his mind. Therefore, when one discards the falseness within himself, he is discarding his sins. One must throw away the images inside his mind until only Truth remains. One must repent to God, the true mind, until all of his sins have disappeared.

A ghost is still a ghost even if it repents. This is because it repents from within the ghost world – from within the ghost’s mind. When one repents from inside his human mind instead of repenting to God, it remains in his mind as a delusion. Because he has this delusion in his mind, it eventually begets more delusions. When these delusions form into action, he will commit countless transgressions.

When people who are false, illusions and ghosts “repent” together, it makes the participators collective ghosts. They become members of a ghost “gang” in their minds. In medical terms this is called joint megalomania. If the host of this condition is false, his delusions will continue in an endless stream of falseness, so all those who have entered into his collective megalomania will end up in this “gang” forever. There is nothing more dangerous in the world than this, where people end up crazy – patients of collective megalomania. Out of touch with reality, they are demented without knowing that they are so and they end up doing harm to society.

-Woo Myung-