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Friday, November 22, 2019

Master Woo Myung Song Lyrics and Verses – One’s Burdens

Master Woo Myung Song Lyrics and Verses – One’s Burdens

One must shoulder burdens.
One must shoulder burdens if
he is not of nature’s flow.
One shoulders burdens because
he defies the laws of Heaven.
One is good at shouldering one’s burdens.

What one knows are all his burdens.
He is under the false impression that he has wisdom,
but what he has is nothing more than burdens.
Man teaches man knowledge,
but what he is doing is putting a burden on another person’s shoulders.

One would have to shoulder nothing
if he knew nothing,
if he had nothing,
and if he himself were no more.
Man carries his own burdens,
unwilling to be free of them.
He acts superior even though he knows nothing about departures and arrivals,
or existence and non-existence.
Though it is a non-existent life,
he lives thinking it is real;
he lives bound to it,
trembling with anxiety, anger, and greed.
But he does not try to break free from it;
instead he carries all of his burdens
in his attempt to have everything.

-Woo Myung-