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Friday, November 22, 2019

Master Woo Myung Song Lyrics and Verses – Childish Life

Master Woo Myung Song Lyrics and Verses – Childish Life

On days when the wind blows,
on days when the rain pours,
I sing and dance,
I sing and laugh,
about this one and only life.
Life is great;
life is wonderful.
But when changes occur in their lives,
people become very concerned about them;
they become sad and they cry.
The heart which cries is full of sorrow;
the heart which laughs is full of joy.

Can you understand my will?
Can you understand my thoughts?
Can you understand my heart?
Though life may be swallowed by joy,
though life may be swallowed by sorrow,
let us sing and sing;
let us sing that joy is life.
On the days when the wind blows,
on the days when the rain pours,
people of the world become sad.
Though they have been given life,
people are childish;
they are childish to the utmost.

-Woo Myung-